Working Together: An Overview of Positive Outcomes for Children

On Thursday, 28th April 2022, Tusla Child and Family Agency and An Garda Síochaná Liaison Managers hosted their Annual Joint Forum for the Cork area to demonstrate the importance of the joint working relationship in achieving positive outcomes for children. CKT were delighted to support this important event along with UCC.

The event reflected on recent cases to share learnings in order to enhance joint case management across the county’s four operational areas.

The event is part of the Senior Local Management Liaison Forum (SLMLF) between An Garda Síochána and Tusla developed to encourage and support collaboration between both agencies and also to ensure the implementation of the Joint Working Protocol.

Presentations included the review of two cases, one which were part of a court ordered case review undertaken by the Cork Tusla Dissemination and Learning Group under the chairmanship of Kieran Campbell.

Denise Kirwan, Partner, CKT gave an overview of the legal narrative of one of the cases. Bridget Rouse, Solicitor in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions office spoke about the Protection for Vulnerable Witnesses in the investigation & prosecution of sexual offenses.

The presentations concluded with an overview of the Barnahus Project, a new project being developed in the South, similar to the Onehouse, Barnahus Galway project. It brings together health, medical, therapeutic and policing services for children and adolescents in a child centred way where sexual abuse is suspected.

Denise Kirwan, Partner, CKT was delighted to have been involved in the project group over the last few months. Speaking on the day, Denise said, “This event really showcases the collaboration and dedication to sharing best practise and working together to achieve the best possible outcomes for children.”

Pictured Below at the event:











L to R Detective Inspector Joanne O’Brien,  Divisional Protective Services Unit Cork County Division, Chief Superintendent Con Cadogan, Denise Kirwan, Partner, CKT, Deirbhile Murphy Area Manager Tusla South and Sergeant Sinead Radley CPD Cork County AGS














L to R Pat Kelleher Business Support Manager Tusla, Deirbhile Murphy Area Manager Tusla South, Denise Kirwan, Partner CKT