CKT awards UCC LLM Children’s Right and Family Law Scholarship

CKT is proud to announce UCC postgraduate student, Kate Maher as the recipient of this year’s prestigious Comyn Kelly Tobin scholarship. Established in 2021, this scholarship bolsters the academic journey of postgraduate students enrolled in the UCC LLM Children’s Rights and Family Law program.  This initiative reflects our commitment to nurturing talent and advancing expertise in the nuanced area of Child and Family Law.

The LLM Children’s Rights and Family Law program at UCC, renowned for its pioneering approach, offers students a rare insight into various aspects of the law in action by facilitating interactions with social workers, legal professionals, and other experts.  This experiential learning aligns with CKT’s focus on providing strategic legal advice in the area child and family law.

Deborah Moore, CKT’s Managing Partner, extends her heartfelt congratulations to Kate for her accomplishment, affirming her confidence in Kate’s promising future. This underscores CKT’s dedication to academic empowerment and continuous learning, integral components of CKT’s culture.

Our long-standing partnership with  University College Cork underscores CKT’s steadfast commitment to fostering the next generation of legal talent. This partnership greatly assists in bridging the gap between the education of and entry to into the legal profession.

The LLM Children’s Rights and Family Law is the first course of its kind in Ireland and builds on the School of Law’s wide range of expertise and knowledge in the area of child and family law. Students gain a unique specialisation in legal issues relating to children and the family, including family property, children’s rights and juvenile justice. They are also offered the opportunity to work on real cases and lobby for reform through the Child Law Clinic, allowing them to gain practical experience and develop industry contacts.

For further details regarding the scholarship and application process, please refer to the link provided here.